Libera Brand Building Group, a creative and strategic consulting company, announces its 2019 results and confirms their consolidation in 2020.

“Last year was outstanding in terms of performance – stated Roberto Botto, CEO & Founder of Libera Brand Building Group – out of the 27 tenders in which we took part, we were ranked first no less than 20 times! Such results come from our vision: providing companies with omnichannel creative strategies which offer an integrated approach which blends on-line, off-line, on-site communication up to e-commerce with Amazon-related consultancy”.

During 2019, several leading brands in their reference markets entrusted their communication to Libera Brand Group, among which Air Italy, Assovernici, Arbre Magique, Brico, Caleffi, Chivas Regal, Dimmidisì, Falck, Guardini, Mail Boxes Etc., Ratti and UnipolSai.

“The results that we achieved – continued Roberto Botto – come from the work carried out by the 50-plus talents who work in the Group and are also the testimony of the trust of the many brands which decided to work with us and which we warmly thank”

The first months of 2020 confirmed the growth trend recorded last year. In the light of the CoVid-19 outbreak, the Group expects to reach a turnover in line with the one achieved in 2019.

“During the home-working time caused by CoVid-19 we created a workgroup aiming to identify a platform on which Communication and Marketing Managers are able to share the experience we are living – concluded Roberto Botto –, the Podcast channel of Libera Brand Building Group was born. This initiative is returning an outstanding success, and, to date, we collected the testimonies of more than 30 CMOs”